Sunday, March 25, 2007

Shooting Schedule for the Poetic Assignment

Here is our Shooting Schedule for the Poetic Assignment:

March 30th- Beach and downtown shots. On this day we plan on getting people at the beach and then going downtown and shooting big churches, kids playing, people walking downtown and any other shots that we need in that area

April 1st - Wat Carolina shots. This day we are going to go to Wat Carolina and film one of their services and get people meditating, close ups of the Wat building, the monk laughing, the monk eating, shot of the food, nature shots at the Wat, etc.

April 2nd- Students eating. We are going to go to the Seahawk grill and get people eating lunch

April 5th- Fast food time lapse. We are going to go to McDonald's and film a time lapse of people driving through the drive-thru. This day is also for shooting anything else we were not able to get before.

April 6th- Editing day


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