Monday, March 12, 2007

Ah, yes it's after midnight Sunday night and I've decided to add a few words to our blog . . . After suffering from tonsilitis and the flu over what was supposed to be my spring break, I'll be heading back to Wilmington first thing in the a.m. and ready to plan this week's interview. As Gen has said, we did a bit of "vox popping" last Saturday downtown and it was pretty interesting to say the least. The thing I love the most is the irony in the fact that the place we stopped to interview our first few people, was right in front of a store downtown called City Buddha- and this was totally unplanned. All of a sudden we looked behind us and were like, "Woah, City Buddha, how convenient". Not sure if the store's name got into any of the shots or not, but the sheer fact was pretty funny . . and kind of weird at the same time. I had fun interviewing and getting people's responses. A couple people actually turned us down, including the man who works the info desk down at the river, claiming he was not to have a voice about anything- and when we mentioned the topic, flat out said "No". Two women visiting from up north were probably the most fun about it. They had really good spirits and seemed genuine in trying to support students. I think only one of the people we interviewed actually knew about the monestary and where it was at, so in that sense it was cool to watch people's reactions after finding out how close one was. Overall, I think it was a good day . . and I'm excited to see how our vox pop will work into our completed project. . . Till next time- ChristY

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