Saturday, March 10, 2007

Expert Interview

For our expert interview, we have decided to talk with Dr. Guy Beck, a visiting professor to UNCW from Tulane University. He specializes in South Asian religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism and Islam, History of Religions, and Religion and Music. He teaches Asian Religions and Tibetan Buddhism at UNCW. He has a B.A. in Social Sciences from the University of Denver, an M.A. in Religious Studies from the University of South Florida as well as a M.A. in Fine Arts/Musicology from Syracuse University. He also has a M.Phil and a Ph.D in Religion from Syracuse University.

We decided to choose him for this particular assignment for several reasons. Logistically and visually, we felt that he would be the best to interview in a more formal setting because of his role in our documentary. We think that his interview will most likely serve as more of an unbiased opinion on our topic as well as an unrelated figure to the monastery. We definitely plan to interview people involved with the temple, but we also think it’s a good idea to get an outside source. Possibilities as far as editing use for this interview include an overall description of Buddhism and/or voice-over to go along with our stills as well as our 16mm and digital footage. We think that interviewing the monk and those we have met at the monastery would be more effective in a more causal/spontaneous setting, and we have already begun such questionings.

Here are some ideas for questions to ask Dr. Beck. Any and all feedback would be greatly appreciated.

-In one word, what is Buddhism? (this may be a good vox pop question as well?)
-What is the academic definition of Buddhism?
-What are the fundamentals of Buddhism? Beliefs, customs, rituals, behavior?
-Is Buddhism more of a religion or a philosophy/way of life?
-Are there necessary beliefs?
-What is the current state of Buddhism in Tibet? China? India?
-Where is Buddhism most prevalent?

-How would you describe Buddhism (differently) from/to an eastern vs. a western perspective/audience?
-How is Buddhism like Christianity? How is it different?
-How does Buddha compare to Jesus?
-Could one theoretically be a Christian and a Buddhist?
-How did Buddhsim get to the west? A place like Bolivia, NC?
-What are some percentages of Buddhists in America?
-What role does Buddhism play as a religion in the United States? The south?
-What role, if any, does Wat Carolina play in North Carolina?
-What is appealing about Buddhism to westerners? What is not? Is Buddhism trendy?
-What might Americans partake in unknowingly that is characteristic of Buddhism? (meditation, pilates, yoga, simplified life, internal thought, karma)

that's what i've come up with so far, but i'm sure my group members will have many more ideas. I'm not sure how much Dr. Beck knows about wat carolina itself, but we will definitely ask more direct questions about the monastery if he is familiar with it.

peace, genevieve
edited by Calli

1 comment:

silvashan said...

Gen, can't tell you how excited I am for you all! The coverage you all are getting is going to be lovely in the final project. Im especially excited to see how your poetic project will come out.

Let me know if you all want to meet at any time to go over the Bolex - or if you feel good about it and just want to go out on your own let me know if you have questions about ordering film and getting processing.