Sunday, March 18, 2007


I just read the article in the student filmmakers magazine about shooting effective B-roll and I thought it had some really good points. I know the importance of b-roll. As a person who likes to edit, trust me the more footage you have the better. As the article pointed out, b-roll allows you to cut away from an interview to avoid jump cuts and to avoid a boring talking head interview. One thing that I had never thought about before was that the article suggested to shoot a person's hands after you interview them. I really had never thought of cutting to a person's hands during an interview and I think it is a great idea. I will be sure to get hand footage for interviews from now on.

Here is a list of b-roll that I have come up with for our film:

time lapse of the drive to Wat Carolina
The monks chanting
People mediating
Picture of Jesus
Picture of Buddha
People offering the monks food/monks eating
the monks smiling and laughing
Nature shots around Wat Carolina (like a shot of the pond that is by the Wat)
shots of the Wat
the monk teaching others

Also, we interviewed Dr. Beck, a UNCW Religion Professor, this past Thursday and I think it went very well. He did a very good job of explaining Buddhism and on expanding his thoughts.

well that is all for now
- Calli

1 comment:

silvashan said...

great list Callie. And can't wait to see the interview!