Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Bolex Assigment description and Shooting Schedule

We have planned to shoot our 16mm footage on Sunday, February 25 because it is the day during which the temple is observing a holy day called Magha Pucha Day. Below is the ceremony’s description and schedule as we will plan our shoot around their activities:

Magha Pucha Day is one of the special Buddhist’s holy days which falls on the full moon day of the third lunar month (February). On this day 1250 Arahant monks came together without prior arrangement to pay homage to the lord Buddha at Veruvana monastery. More importantly, it was the first and only occasion that the Lord Buddha addressed to his disciples the Ovadha-Patimokkha, also known as the Fundamentals of Buddhism. And therefore, this extraordinary event is called the Fourfold Assembly and was marked by four factors:

1. The assembly of 1250 Arahants (Enlightened)
2. The Arahants were ordained by the Lord Buddha himself.
3. The Arahants came on their own accord without prior arrangement.
4. It was the full moon day of the third lunar month.

9:45 am Guests arrive at the temple.

10:15 am Presiding chairman lights the ceremonial candles and incense and Initiates chanting the Commandments. Invocational chanting by the assembled monks.

10:45 am Guests present food offering to the assembled monks. Assembled guests then dine together separately from the monks.

12:30 pm Present “Phapa or Money Tree” as part of the fund raising. The Presiding monk presents the sermon “Makha Puja Khatha” with Translation.

All guests participate in meditation with the monks after presentation of the sermon as the offering to the Lord Buddha. Follows with the candle procession in the building floor with elaborathe candle lantern made for the occasion. The procession moves clockwise three times around the temple. Conclusion of formal ceremonies.

This seems like a very rich ceremony as far as for photographic and filming opportunities. Our shooting schedule will be roughly as follows, although we will alter it willingly if an important piece of observation presents itself:

9:45 am – 10:15 am film no more than about 30 seconds of people arriving at the temple

10:15 am – 12:30 pm film approximately 1 minute of chanting and candle lighting. (we might film the offering of the food, but that would probably be better shot with a digital camera for color purposes.)

12:30 pm – end film everyone meditating, especially the monks
film the candle procession, perhaps from the center as it moves around in circles or following over the shoulder of a monk. At least 1 minute of film, hopefully more.

peace, genevieve


silvashan said...

Genevieve, definately check out a digital camera and mics to shoot at the fest as well. Id hate to see you all miss out on the coverage. Sounds wonderful.

Moving Art Productions said...

yes, already thought of that. i think the audio could be especially wonderfull

Anonymous said...

You write very well.