Monday, February 12, 2007

Expert Interview Possibilities

For our expert interview, we have several possibilities.

The obvious choice would be the monk himself:
Abbott Phrakru Buddhamonpricha
Phone 910-253-4526
Fax 910-453-6618

Wat Carolina Buddhajakra Vanaram
1610 Midway Road
Bolivia, N.C. 28422, U.S.A

There is also a young man living there with the monk so we could interview him as well although he seemed rather quiet.

There are two men and one woman who gave us their cards and spoke with us at length and seem like very knowledgeable and interesting characters:

Randall Hill is a man who worked for The Sun News and did an in-depth multimedia story on the monastery. The link can be found on our site here or from the monastery's website. He said that he came to the monastery for two years without ever participating. He finished his piece in 2002 and now attends the monastery for personal rather than professional reasons so he would be an excellent person to interview.

Jim Copp is a Vietnam veteran who has been attending the monastery since it began and helped build all of the new structures. He told us of his imprisonment and search for POWs that he continues to this day as well as how buddhism has affected his life.

Ella Hill is an expressive arts therapist and buddhist who as her card says combines "image, dance, story, music, drumming, dreamwork, writing and visual art to meet your needs." She seems like someone who would have a lot to tell us.

peace, genevieve

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