Monday, February 12, 2007

Who is our Audience?

We are trying to target an audience of all ages, ethnicities and religions. This film will mostly attract people in the Wilmington, NC area, because most people probably do not know about the monastery and will be interested to learn about it. While this film should intrigue most people in the Wilmington area; we also want to target the rest of the country, because the film is not only about the monastery, but also about a world region in the Bible belt south. We hope to achieve this but getting the film into some film festivals in different places throughout the country. We also hope that that film will not only attract the Buddhist community but also other religious communities. Other religious comminutes may be interested to learn about how non-Christian religions are treated in the south. The film is targeted for all ages. However, the most interested age groups are probably going to be college age to middle age adults. Therefore, we would definitely publicize our film in universities as well as community arts centers. We believe that this film could be of interest to all different types of people and we will try to make it available to as many people as possible.

Posted by Calli

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