Thursday, February 15, 2007

Random BLOG

So I just thought I would write a "diary" of our first day at the monestary for anyone interested. When the three of us first arrived, we had little idea of where to go or what to do. When we were finally lead into a small house in front of the temple (and after taking off our shoes, because apparantly it's etiquette to be barefoot while in service) we were guided into a very small room where the abbot was seated indian style on a small platform (as seen in our pictures) After I made an ass of myself by extending my hand to greet the monk, we were told to sit down and quickly learned that not only are women to have no physical contact with the monk at all, but no one should ever stand above him, or be above him. For this reason we all sat around him, slightly lower than he was. I thought the service was exceptionally interesting. As people came in there was a large table cloth type thing in the middle of the floor where each person was placing a dish of food. After the "prayer" or chanting, one by one each person crawled on thier knees, over to the food and offered each dish to the monk. Being authentic Thai dishes there was everything from cinnamon hard boiled eggs, to fruit, to rice (alot of rice) to chicken and to be honest, some things that i had no idea what to make of. After each person handed a dish to the monk (women had to place thier dishes on a cloth infront of him, since he is not allowed to directly give or take anything from a woman's hands) he took a spoon and put a small amount of each dish into a huge bowl similar to the one pictured above. Eventually, he had a little bit of everything in the dish. Im not sure how good all of those things and flavors could taste togeather, but I suppose that doesnt make a difference to him. (We also decided that next time we're going to bring an "offering" to participate) When the monk had accepted all of the offerings, we were told to go outside while he ate. No one is to be with him while he eats, as he only eats once a day before noon. We gathered with the rest of the people and shared what was left of the dishes. It was kind of like a Thai potluck. I tried a little bit of everything and learned that anything red is SPICY!! After lunch we gathered back into the house and meditated. It was really unique and calming. When that was over, we took viles of water outside and poured them on the ground clockwise in 7 circles to spread our "merit" (good luck, karma). After taking a few more pictures and talking to some of the Buddhists we were on our way. It was a really cool experience and though hard to explain, is something I think everyone should try at least once. Regardless of your religion or beliefs, everyone was so kind and welcoming, especially the abbot, who made each of us neaklaces with buddha on them before we left. I'm really looking forward to our next visit. I think we'll bring fruit.

Posted by "CRITTY" (As pronounced by the Abbot, which I thought was kina cool . .)


1 comment:

silvashan said...

Again, it sounds like you all are having some amazing experiences on these shoots. Im so glad you've found this topic. Its always such a gift when your film subject gives as much to you as a person as it does to you as a filmmaker.