Sunday, April 1, 2007

Why was my film not included?

I thought that the DC shorts article about why films are not chosen for festivals was very informative. Many of the things they mention, I had never thought about before. For example, the part about how you should send your film in a clamshell case and not a jewel DVD case, really made me think. I never even thought about that. Also I had never really thought about the length of the credits. It is good to know that the length of your credits matters to the Judges. I also really liked the KISS Principle (Keep IT Simple Stupid). I think that is really funny, but I also totally agree with it. Usually it is the simple things that make nice films. I also agree a lot about how a filmmaker should be careful about the length of their film. Usually films could be cut down in length. I know how hard it can be to cut something out of a film that you worked so hard to get, but if the shot does not help the film then it should be taken out. The biggest thing I agreed with, was story is everything. If you don't have a good story, you can never have a good film. Therefore, you should always make sure you have a good story first. I am really glad that I read this article and I will be sure to keep these things in the back of my mind in the future.

-Posted by Calli

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