Monday, April 16, 2007

Though it is of no relevance to the documentary itself, I think it's important to post the "bumps" . . . or "hills" that arise during the production of any film text, documentary or otherwise. Our group has hit one of these, in the unfortunate, and very frustrating event that I am sick. After suffering from numerous things throughout the past month and a half, I have finally been diagnosed with both a viral and a pulmonary diesase :( Because I can do no more than lie in bed, this presents a challange both for my group and myself. However, after talking with them and discussing the responsibilities I can take care of during the course of the next two weeks, I feel that this will not deter our ability to end up with a very strong peice. I am very excited that we are deciding to go with a poetic approach and plan on making every effort to ensure that this is a group effort and that the members of my group feel the weight of my support. It's very aggravating not being able to physically be with them, but we have always had very strong communication within our group and because of this I am confident that our final peice will be just as much mine as it is thiers. I suppose it's things like this that happen throughout the process of making a film, the unexpected things, that determine the capabilities of the "makers", as well as the determination. I cant wait to see this thing through, it has been such an interesting, inspirational, challenging, creative, and educational experience. Just as the buddhist people have faith in thier religion, I have great faith that this documentary will turn out just the way we wanted, and withstand anything thrown it's way.


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